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The Phenomenology of the body. The place and significance of the body in the individual psychology



Studiul urmareste sa re-descopere Trupul (considerat ca parte a Fiintei care este Persoana umana) si sa vada, dincolo de imaginea organizarii sale structurale (anatomie) si dincolo de functiile acestuia (fiziologie), semnificatia umana a acestuia in cadrul economiei Persoanei, neseparat de Subiectul sufletesc.

Constantin Enăchescu



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AuthorConstantin Enăchescu
Publication date2007
Format140 x 200 mm
CollectionStudii şi eseuri. Psihologie
ID Hard Cover1562

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The Phenomenology of the body. The place and significance of the body in the individual psychology

The Phenomenology of the body. The place and significance of the body in the individual psychology

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