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New products
Philosophy There are 198 products.
Philosophy means first of all its history, but also new, contributory research; the titles of the publishing house include fundamental works, histories and treatises, topics of theoretical interest (metaphysics, ontologies and logic, philosophy of science, aesthetics) or topics of acute interest (ethics, social and political philosophy, philosop...
Philosophy means first of all its history, but also new, contributory research; the titles of the publishing house include fundamental works, histories and treatises, topics of theoretical interest (metaphysics, ontologies and logic, philosophy of science, aesthetics) or topics of acute interest (ethics, social and political philosophy, philosophical anthropology, Romanian philosophy). New translations from the great philosophers (Plato, Aristotle, Abelard, Descartes, Kant, Husserl) make the publishing house proud.

Prelegeri de istorie a filozofiei vol. I,...
Prelegeri de istorie a filozofiei vol. I, II - Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel trad. de D.D. Roşca199,00 leiPrelegeri de istorie a filozofiei Vol. II...
Prelegeri de istorie a filozofiei Vol. I - Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, trad. de D.D. Roşca Platon / Aristotel / Filozofia elenistică106,00 leiPrelegeri de istorie a filozofiei Vol. I -...
Prelegeri de istorie a filozofiei Vol. I - Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, trad. de D.D. Roşca Introduceri Filozofia înainte de Socrate De la Sofişti la Socratici116,00 leiUrfaust - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe...
Publicat în numele Marii ducese Sophie von Sachsen în jur de 1 7 7 4 pe baza textului: din: Goethes Werke. Faust. In ursprünglicher Gestalt. I, 39 WA, Hermann Böhlaus Nachfolger, Weimar, 189780,00 leiTragica istorie a Doctorului Faust. The...
Doctor Faustus, tragedie în cinci acte de Christopher Marlowe, publicată în 1604, dar jucată pentru prima dată cu un deceniu mai devreme.68,00 leiPharmakon logic
33,00 leiGreek Skepticism
25,00 leiThe knowledge maze
44,00 lei